Medical Anthropologists and Social Scientists in Health (MASSH) TIG

MASSH.jpgChairs: Linda S. Kahn, PhD, Ellen B. Rubinstein, PhD

Executive Committee: Abigail Baim-Lance, PhD; Aaron Seaman, PhD; Brittni Howard, MA; Eileen Dryden, PhD; Emma Dupont, BS; Elizabeth Jadovich, MPH; Gemmae M. Fix, PhD; Genevra Murray, PhD; Graylin Skates; Javier Garcia-Martinez; Lance Laird, ThD; Lindsey Kaufman, BA; Nolan Kline, PhD, MPH, CPH;  Pete Taber, PhD;  Teresa Winstead, PhD. 

MEMBERSHIP: We currently have 283 members! Seventy-six (76) members responded to our MASSH Member Survey asking about their disciplines, professional affiliations, areas of expertise, training needs, and interests. We will share a summary with the listserv and will incorporate key feedback from our SfAA Morning Brew with MASSH session in the next iteration of the survey. 

INTERNS: We welcomed 5 interns—who are graduate students or recent (under)graduates—to our Executive Committee. The interns are integrated into our planning and operations to assure that MASSH activities are relevant and inclusive for students and others in initial stages of their careers.

LISTSERV: Our listserv continues to be an active resource and “bulletin board” where members are sharing info regarding job postings, professional development resources, and providing advice and peer support around methodology questions, papers, and grants.

MASSH CONNECTIONS SPEAKER SERIES: We hosted 4 virtual events in 2023. Speakers included: Allison Hamilton, PhD, MPH; Lenore Manderson, AM, PhD; Aimee Eden, PhD, MPH, MA;  Elizabeth Briody, PhD, Nazia Hussain, MA, and Lily Shapiro, PhD. We are planning two sessions on grant submissions for 2024. 

SfAA 2024 ANNUAL MEETING:  It was terrific seeing many of you in Santa Fe! 

MASSH hosted 36 panels and a social event. Panel topics spanned the continuum of applied medical anthropology, public health, and implementation science. Thanks to everyone who attended Morning Brew with MASSH!

©Society for Applied Anthropology 

P.O. Box 2436 • Oklahoma City, OK 73101 • 405.843.5113 •