
Fill out the form on the Annual Meeting page, or print the PDF and send a check by March 1, 2020.

All tickets are on a first come first serve basis. We reserve the right to cancel in the event that there are not enough participants to hold the workshop, if this happens fees will be refunded. Refund for cancellation requires 48 hours advance notice before the workshop start time.

Meeting Registration is required to attend any workshop.

Workshop #1

Making Your Research Make a Difference: Designing a Step-by-Step Strategy to Engage the Public with Social Media

Wednesday, March 18
8:00 am - 9:50 am

CLARK, Deja and DELGADO, Hannia (Cool Anthropology, CUNY), BAINES, Kristina (CUNY Guttman), COSTA, Victoria (Cool Anthropology)  

Social media platforms can be both a democratizing force and a dismissive space, simultaneously making research accessible and applicable to a wide audience while also rendering it reductive and dangerously generalized. In this workshop, primarily led by undergraduate interns with Cool Anthropology, participants will develop a step-by-step plan to get their research and applied projects put to a wide audience without compromising rigor or grounded discussion. It is increasingly important that anthropologists are more than researchers and practitioners but are engaged citizens, and this workshop invites participants to engage with their own work with a new perspective.


Max 25 participants

Workshop #3

Applied Visual Ethnography Workshop

Wednesday, March 18
1:30 pm - 5:20 pm


This half-day workshop is an introduction to applied visual ethnography. Participants will gain hands-on experience with audio and video equipment, learning the fundamentals of audio-visual research methodologies. The workshop will be tailored to meet varying levels of filmmaking experience, but primarily will be geared towards individuals who are exploring the possibility of incorporating visual media into fieldwork and/or community partnerships. Training will incorporate fieldsite media kits including tripods, DSLR cameras, handheld digital audio recorders, and external microphones. Recommendations will be made for both editing and fieldkit assembly based on affordability, fieldsite conditions, participant skill level, and institution.


max 15 participants

Workshop #5

The Other Interview: Breaking into UX Research

Thursday, March 19
8:00 am - 10:50 am

BAYLOR, Elizabeth (Google) 

As an anthropologist, you have well-developed interviewing skills - but do you know how to interview as a job candidate in an applied, industry setting? This workshop will help you master that ‘other’ interview by unpacking industry-specific vocabulary, explaining what interviewers are looking for, and providing concrete strategies and guided practice on 1) how to frame your existing work for a UX audience, and 2) how to quickly design research for a hypothetical scenario. Using role-play and a series of exercises, this workshop will demystify the UX candidate interview so that you can feel equally confident as an interviewee.


max 25 participants

Workshop #7

Interactive Workshop on Public Participation Mapping

Thursday, March 19
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

MCLAIN, Rebecca and BANIS, David (Portland State U), STANTON, Katie (OR State U), CERVENY, Lee (USFS PNWRS) 

Public participation mapping is becoming an important data collection and public engagement tool for public agencies, community organizations, and others interested in mapping and visualizing the values associated with specific locations on a landscape. This 3-hour interactive workshop walks participants through the maze of options open to mapping practitioners, including considerations related to data collection methods, map design, sampling, outreach, analysis/visualization of results, interpretation of results. The focus of the workshop is on designing mapping projects that will result in data of immediate practical use for community organizations and planners. No previous GIS or mapping experience needed. 


max 20 participants

Workshop #9

Cultural Consensus Analysis

Friday, March 20
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

GATEWOOD, John B. (Lehigh U) and LOWE, John W. (Cultural Analysis) 

This five-hour workshop is an introduction to cultural consensus analysis and how to use it to study the social organization of knowledge. Topics include: the original problem that consensus analysis addresses; the “formal” versus “informal” methods and the kinds of data collections appropriate for each; the need to counter-balance items when using the informal method; using consensus analysis to study sub-cultural variation; how different distributional patterns of knowledge affect the key indicators of consensus; and number of questions needed for reliable assessments of respondent-by-respondent similarity. Discussion of recent developments with CCA and issues in participants’ own research, as time allows.


max 24 participants

Workshop #11

Context Diversity and Academic Culture: A New Paradigm for Higher Education and Beyond

Saturday, March 21
8:00 am - 11:00 am


Current approaches to diversity and inclusion rooted in recruiting and retention activities of the 1960s have achieved some success, but a lingering question remains: why are many disciplines struggling to achieve these goals? Additionally, how can we define what is meant by an inclusive environment? Answers may lie in Multicontext theory. Current academic culture values hyper-individualized approaches to academic work while more collectivist approaches are not as valued. Multicontext theory explains this imbalance, providing a new understanding of diversity and inclusion. This workshop introduces participants to this emerging paradigm and applications in higher education. 


max 25 participants

Workshop #4

Cultural Expertise on Aiding Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Undocumented Migrants

Wednesday, March 18
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

HASSOUN, Rosina (Saginaw Valley State U), NGIN, ChorSwang (CSULA), SALVI, Cecilia (Grad Ctr CUNY), YEH LITT, Joann (Law Offices of John Jonannes), BORJON, Luz Maria (CSULA) 

In anthropology’s engagement with the legal system, our “cultural expertise” (Holden 2019) requires further anthropological examination and “field-testing.” In this workshop for practitioners and graduate students, an immigration attorney and a DACA/Dreamer expert examine, along with two anthropological experts on asylum seekers and refugees, the explicit roles anthropological expertise and community partnership can play to advance the legal citizenship of the refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in the United States. The workshop includes an overview of US court cases and employs role-playing to demonstrate anthropological expert testimony in court and successful collaboration with community and international partners.  The workshop is supported by the SfAA Immigration Initiative, and is offered at no cost to participants. 

Free (sponsored buy the Immigration Initiative)

Use the form below to register for this workshop.

max 25 participants

Workshop #6

Society for Medical Anthropology Professionalization Seminar

Thursday, March 19
11:00 am - 1:50 pm

WOLF-MEYER, Matthew (Binghamton U) 

This workshop is intended for advanced graduate students and recent Ph.D. recipients who are on, or preparing to be on, the academic job market. We will discuss formatting academic CVs, the preparation of job letters, the content of teaching and research statements, the design of syllabuses and assignments, and what to expect during the selection process and on-campus visits. Participants should leave with a clear sense of how to prepare these documents, how search committees operate, and what the outcomes of the job-seeking process are. 


max 25 participants

Workshop #8

Becoming a Practicing Anthropologist: A Workshop for Students Seeking Non-Academic Careers

Friday, March 20
9:00 am - 11:50 pm

NOLAN, Riall (Purdue U & Cambridge U) 

This workshop shows students (undergraduate, Master’s and PhD) how to prepare themselves for practice, even within a traditional anthropology program. Six areas will be covered: 1) Practice careers; 2) Practice competencies; 3) Making graduate school count; 4) Career planning; 5) Job-hunting; and 6) Job success. The workshop is three hours long. 


max 30 participants

Workshop #10

Mentoring Workshop: Building Professional Networks in Anthropological Science

Friday, March 20
2:30 pm - 5:30 pm

CHRISOMALIS, Stephen (Wayne State U) 

This workshop helps students (undergraduate and graduate) and early-career scholars (postdocs, non-tenure-stream, practicing/professional) build skills to help expand their intellectual networks and find mentorship beyond that provided by their degree program – to make sense out of a sometimes-daunting disciplinary and professional environment. The workshop helps participants talk to broad communities of anthropologists and other social scientists about their work. We will develop practical, actionable strategies for finding like-minded scholars and practitioners within participants’ topics of study, cultivate ‘network thinking’ aimed at academic, non-academic, or hybrid careers, and generate short-form professional narratives for various professional goals.


max 20 participants

Workshop #12

Filmmaking for Anthropologists 101

Saturday, March 21
8:00 am - 2:30 pm

TAYLOR, Carylanna and OKADA, Jacob (First Encounter Productions) 

Would you like to share your work with a broader audience through film? This workshop guides you through the process of making a documentary film and provides tips on achieving professional looking and sounding results on a limited budget. No prior experience is necessary. You will receive a comprehensive packet. Using targeted questions in your packet, we’ll take you step-by-step through the stages of filmmaking: development (refining your idea and budget), pre-production (putting in place your team, equipment, and access to locations and people), production (filming), post-production (editing, polishing), and outreach/distribution (getting your film to your intended audience). We’ll also weigh the pros and cons of more minimalist and professional approaches to indie filmmaking and touch on ethical considerations specific to anthropological filmmaking.  FORMAT: The workshop is six hours. From 8am-12pm, we’ll focus on guiding you through the filmmaking process using slides, demonstrations, and the handout. Some participants may choose to only attend these first four hours. We will break for lunch from 12-12:30. The remaining two hours, 12:30-2:30, will be seminar style to workshop participants’ film ideas and existing projects.


max 20 participants

©Society for Applied Anthropology 

P.O. Box 2436 • Oklahoma City, OK 73101 • 405.843.5113 •