Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award

The Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award - A Rocking Chair

Sol Tax was an anthropologist who provided distinguished and innovative service to applied anthropology and to anthropological societies. The Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award is to be presented annually to a member of SfAA, in recognition of long-term and truly distinguished service to the Society. The Sol Tax Award Committee encourages members of the SfAA to nominate individuals who are deserving of this award.

The Awardee will be invited to offer brief reflections at the Annual Meeting about his/her career in terms of distinguished service and applied anthropology. If it is impossible for the Awardee to be present due to illness, the option exists, though not required, for the recipient to send in his/her remarks.



Each nomination should include:

  • a detailed letter of nomination outlining the distinguished service accomplishments of the candidate

  • one additional letter of support

  • a curriculum vitae that includes specific details regarding the nominee’s service to the SfAA

* Note: copies of publications and additional letters are not needed

Nominations are valid for five years from the date of submission. The selection committee consists of five members appointed by the President and Executive Board of SfAA. Please email nominations and supporting material to: 

Society for Applied Anthropology
Attn: Chair, Sol Tax Award

Deadline for receipt of all materials is October 1. 




Nominees should be those who have made long-term and exceptional contributions in several of the following areas in the applied social sciences:

  • leadership in organizational structure, activities and policy development

  • central roles in communication with other disciplines or subdisciplines

  • editing and publishing

  • development of curricula in applied anthropology

  • formulation of ethical standards of practice 

  • other innovative activities which promote the goals of the Society for Applied Anthropology, the field of applied anthropology, and the public at large.

Previous Recipients


Orit Tamir, Ph.D.

Tamir.jpgDr. Orit Tamir retired as a Professor of Anthropology from New Mexico Highlands University (NMHU) in May 2022. 

Tamir earned her Ph.D. and MA degrees in Anthropology from Arizona State University. She received her undergraduate degrees in Eretz Israel Studies and Art from the University of Haifa, Israel. During her 25 years tenure at NMHU, Tamir taught a considerable variety of undergraduate and graduate courses. She particularly enjoyed the challenges and rewards of teaching at a university where most students are ethnic minorities. While at NMHU, Tamir coordinated the anthropology graduate program, and developed a new Online Professional MA in Cultural Resource Management. In addition, Tamir served in leadership positions on a variety of faculty and other university committees. For several years she also served as the Vice President of the Faculty Association (union), and as Faculty Senate Chair. All along, Tamir continued her forced resettlement and other applied anthropology research with and about the Navajos people, engaged her students in collaborative research on anthropology of higher education, and teamed up with colleagues on several interdisciplinary applied research projects in the Gambia and on the Navajo reservation. Before coming to NMHU in 1997, Tamir worked as an ethnographer for Archaeological Consulting Services of Tempe, Arizona (1993-1997), where the highpoint of her tenure was comprehensive research on Butte Camp of Jim Rivers Japanese American interment/concentration camp located on the Akimel O’odham (Pima) reservation. Prior to that, Tamir worked as an ethnographer/ethnologist for the University of New Mexico Office of Contract Archeology on the multi-year (1990-1993) anthropological studies on the Transwestern Pipeline Expansion Project.

Dr. Tamir served as program chair/co-chair of multiple SfAA conferences. She currently serves on the SfAA’s Publications Committee and is the co-editor of SfAA News.


Brian Foster, Ph.D.

Foster.jpgThe Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award will be presented to Dr. Brian Foster, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of Missouri-Columbi, on Friday, March 25. The Award recognizes and honors long-term and exceptional service to the Society.

Foster received his Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Michigan; his undergraduate degree in History at Northern Illinois University. Brian Foster is retired Provost at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Before coming to MU in August of 2005, he served as Provost at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. Prior to that, he was Dean of Arts and Sciences at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and Graduate Dean at Arizona State University, where he also served as Professor and Chair of the Department of Anthropology.  Foster has served on the Southeast Asia Council, the Executive Committee of the Thai-Lao-Cambodian Study Group of the Association of Asian Studies, and on the Executive Committee of the Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute (SEASSI). He was President of the Western Association of Graduate Schools, a member of the Board of Directors of the Council of Graduate Schools, Chair of the GRE Board, member of the TOEFL Policy Council, and a member of the Executive Committees of two NASULGC Councils: the Council of Research and Graduate Education and served as chair of the Council on Academic Affairs. He is a facilitator for the American Council on Education’s new CAO Institute

Dr. Foster was instrumental in the creation of SfAA’s Anthropology of Higher Education TIG in 2015.


Riall Nolan

Riall Nolan.jpegDr. Nolan’s career arc has encompassed development practice, international program administration, and academic teaching and research, but one theme has predominated throughout: an interest in how we learn cross-culturally, and what we do with what we learn. His writings have focused on this, and particularly, on the preparation of anthropologists for careers in practice and application.

Dr. Nolan was selected for the Tax Award on the basis of his lengthy and valuable service to the Society - as a member of several committees, presenting workshops at the annual meeting, and as a member of the Board of Directors (2005-2008)


Susan Andreatta

susan_Sol_Tax.jpgSfAA’s most unique award prize will arrive at the home of Susan Andreatta this month.  Dr. Andreatta, Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of North Carolina- Greensboro, is this year’s winner of the Sol Tax Award Distinguished Service Award.  Sol Tax was an anthropologist who provided distinguished and innovative service to applied anthropology and to anthropological societies. The Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award is presented annually to a member of SfAA in recognition of long-term and truly distinguished service to the Society. 

Susan has provided exceptional service to SfAA over the years from serving on committees to being president to leading the Founders Endowment. She has done these tasks with kindness, inclusivity and enthusiasm.  Susan has also made important contributions to SfAA that are grounded in her commitment to community-based linkages. The SfAA annual meetings that now include a Tuesday that focuses on local topics is one such innovation.  Her academic work on environmental issues has been integrated into SfAA programs and activities. 

Susan continues to serve the Society through her dedication to students. Her textbook, Elements of Culture: An Applied Perspective (authored with Gary Ferraro) is a critical contribution.  Using an applied approach, she has brought knowledge of what SfAA means to a huge audience of undergraduates.

We honor Susan at the Annual awards ceremony on Friday, March 20 at 7:00 PM.  


Roberto Alvarez

2019cSol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - Roberto AlvarezRoberto Alvarez is a social-cultural anthropologist whose career and life have been guided by a commitment to social justice, and the empowerment of underserved communities.  This stems from both his personal history growing up along the U.S.-Mexico Border and from his experience in a broad range of social-change contexts.  In the U.S. Peace Corps (Panama and Puerto Rico) as a Volunteer and Trainer, he discovered the value of anthropology in understanding the effects of social change, inadvertent power, and inequality.  Roberto returned home, to San Diego, and intermittently worked in the produce industry (in which he was raised), pursued an M.A. at San Diego State University (with John Young as his advisor).  He completed the  PhD in Social Anthropology at Stanford in 1979, focusing on migration and social change and joined the Institute of Urban and Minority Education (IUME) and the Program In Applied Anthropology at Teacher’s College, Columbia University.  Here, Roberto taught as part of the Applied Program and served in IUME Centers for Race Desegregation, Title IX, and National Origins working in New York City Schools and urban neighborhoods.  Subsequently, he worked at the Cross Cultural Research Center at Sacramento State University, as Director of Research and Evaluation, and Associate Director of the College for Migrants Program.  At the CCRC he conducted leadership, and ethnographic training, with teachers, community, and indigenous leaders in the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of Belau, the Northern Marianas (Guam and Saipan), as well as in Chicano/Mexicano and Indigenous communities in the U.S. 

In 1985, he re-entered the produce world and worked in the U.S.-Mexico Fruit Industry.  This five-year ethnographic experience provided him with a novel understanding of the U.S.- Mexico Border, U.S. Government Policy, transnational process, and ethnic entrepreneurial strategies. A number of his publications (many in Human Organization) focus on ethnic markets, entrepreneurs, global agriculture, and the role played by the “transnational state,” in local, regional, and global processes. He has also published extensively on the U.S. Mexico Border.

 In 1990-2001, he returned to academia at Arizona State University (ASU), where he founded the Program in Applied Anthropology, to engage both graduate students and local community in effective educational and policy efforts.  He was Chair of Socio-cultural Anthropology, Director of Graduate Studies, and director of ethnography and evaluation for various university programs that included the Project for the Improvement of Minority Education, The Office of Youth Preparation and the President’s Building Great Communities Program.  Most recently at UCSD (2001-2012) he directed the Logan Heights Ethnography Project in the Chicano/Mexican community where he was raised.  Roberto has maintained a commitment to education at all levels, aimed at economically disadvantaged and “minority” student success.  Throughout his career he has been dedicated to advancing non-traditional students and faculty in university settings.

Roberto has been an active member of SfAA since the early 1970’s, and has served on the Public Policy Committee, Program Committees, and was also member and Chair of the Malinowski Award Committee, the SfAA Executive Board, and as SfAA President  (2013-2015). In the American Anthropological Association he served on the Ethics Committee, and as Chair of the Committee on Minority Affairs.  He was also a founding member and subsequently President of the Association of Latina and Latino Anthropologists (ALLA). 

At the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), where he is now Emeritus Professor, he served the Department of Ethnic Studies and the University in a variety of capacities. This included Director of Graduate Studies, Department Chair,  UCSD Representative to the UC President’s Committee on Latino Research, and board member for the Centers for Latin American Studies, U.S.-Mexico Studies, and Comparative Immigration Studies.  He was also the Director of the Center for Global California Studies. 


Linda Whiteford

2018 Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - Linda WhitefordMy research began with a focus on the cultural, historical, and political constraints on women’s reproductive rights. That focus on the politics of women’s health has continued throughout my career, albeit expanded from reproductive rights to access to clean water and sanitation, health care, humanitarian protection, and the survival of their children. Whether working with large international assistance agencies like USAID, the World Bank, The Canadian International Development Agency, or the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, I have always believed in the power of ethnographic information.  That commitment to the ‘ethnographic truth’ became immensely clear in the work I have been doing since 2000 with my colleague Graham Tobin around active volcanic sites in Ecuador and Mexico. Relying on historical, geophysical, epidemiological data combined with the ethnographic realities, provided a powerful and critical view into the worlds in which those people lived and struggled.

I am lucky.  I was born into anthropology and never thought it was odd that at a family gathering when the phone rang and someone asked to speak to Dr. Whiteford, we had to ask ‘which one? Bud, Scott, Michael, or Linda.’  Nor was it odd that when I married Doug Uzzell, I married another anthropologist. Anthropology was fascinating, meaningful, useful, and great fun. It made sense.

I have worked hard and played hard. I have written and edited books, articles, reviews, reviewed and written proposals, gotten funding and been denied funding.  I have worked hard to develop intriguing and innovative programs like the dual degree program at USF between anthropology and public health, and the certificate program that combines anthropology, engineering, and public health, or the certificate program in medical anthropology for graduate students outside of anthropology. I was the Founding Co-Director of the USF World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Social Marketing and Social Justice. While Vice Provost I helped design the USF College for Global Sustainability, institutionalize the Center for Public Scholarship, visualize the system-wide global initiative, USF World.  

I have played hard by working with great people and being able spend time in Ecuador, Bolivia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Ghana, Thailand, China, New Zealand, Cameroon, Antigua, Bermuda, Trinidad, Great Britain, and the US.

Being an applied anthropologist has given me the opportunity to work closely with amazing people – students who became life-long friends, colleagues who shared their work and lives with me, community members who open their doors and families to me, and politicians and policy-makers who taught me how hard that was.

And I have been rewarded. Receiving the Sol Tax Award as I complete my last semester in university service is a truly sweet gift of recognition. I am humbled and immensely pleased to receive the award. Over time, my work has been acknowledged with international and US invitations to speak, and by being named Distinguished Scholar by the St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Scholar of the Year by Santa Clara University, as the George and Mary Foster Distinguished Lecture at Southern Methodist University, and Humanities and Critical Thinking Lecture at the University of Washington, and being asked to provide keynote addresses for a wide range of organizations. 

My greatest rewards, however, are the relationships nurtured through professional associations like SfAA, with colleagues who have become life-long friends, with students who become family, and with collaborators in Ecuador and other places who have made all this possible. 


Peter Kunstadter

2017 Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - Peter Kunstadter Prof. Kunstadter was the Director of the Asian Health Program at the University of California, San Francisco, for several years.  He is currently a Research Associate at the HIV Prevention and Treatment Program in Chang Mai, Thailand.

Prof. Kunstadter’s service commitments to the SfAA have been extensive and stretch back several years.  He was instrumental in organizing and establishing the Robert Hackenberg Memorial Lecture, a plenary event at the SfAA Meetings.  He was elected to the Board of Directors in 2009, and from that position, played a pivotal role in developing what was to become the SfAA Founders Endowment.  He has also served on the Hackenberg and 2014 Annual Meeting Committees


Stanley Hyland

2016 Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - Stanley HylandStan Hyland is Professor Emeritus at the University of Memphis.  He served as   the Head of the School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Memphis from 2000-15 and chair of the Department of Anthropology from 1990-1994.  Since coming to the University of Memphis in 1976, Stan has worked with numerous governmental agencies, nonprofits, and community based organizations in the area of neighborhood revitalization and place making through participatory action research to strengthening communities. In his 40 years at U of M he taught nearly every MA Candidate and mentored dozens of students; virtually all have gone on to successful practitioner careers.  Stan shaped broad recognition for applied anthropology in the Mid-South region by “seeding” numerous governmental entities, medical centers, businesses, grassroots agencies and non-profits with students and alumni and fostering generations of graduates who transition into professionals who are committed to transforming the region to a more participatory, inclusive approach to community development. Stan has been an active member of SfAA since 1975 serving on the Board, Human Organization Advisory Committee, and chair of the Spicer Committee, Program Committees and the Strategic Planning Committee.

Among his many achievements, Stan led a seminar at the School of American Research co-sponsored by SfAA and edited a follow-up 2005 book on Community Building in the Twenty-First Century.   His collaborative work has resulted in over 3 million dollars in grants and contracts, numerous publications, international and national awards, and a series of students who now manage government and nonprofit agencies including several community development corporations. Dr. Hyland’s honors include the Praxis award for best project in applied anthropology (1985), the Harold Love Outstanding Community Involvement award in 2000 from the Tennessee Higher Education Commission and the Best Practices Award – Memphis Maps form the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the University of Memphis’ Engaged Scholarship award in 2005 and Solon T. Kimball Award for Public and Applied Anthropology by the American Anthropological Association.  In 1988-1990 he directed research for the federal commission on the economic development of the lower Mississippi Delta region, chaired by then governor, Bill Clinton. 

Dr. Hyland continues to be actively involved with the City of Memphis in efforts related to social justice and neighborhood revitalization. In 2007 he collaborated with the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis and the United Way of the Mid-South to create a funding program to Strengthening Communities through community-based initiatives and engaged scholars at the U of Memphis.  This program has funded over 25 initiatives and continues today.  He worked with the Memphis Housing Authority and the HOPE VI revitalization efforts for the past 12 years.  He co-chaired a city-wide effort to transform the local housing authority in 1998-99. He coordinated University outreach efforts in the UPTOWN Neighborhood including the development of the Neighborhood Resource Center. He also worked with the sixth graders at Humes Middle School on a healthy communities funded by the Urban Child Institute.  This inner city project is linked to a Tennessee Humanities Project that makes their work accessible through a GIS network system. Working with executive director of the Memphis Division of Housing and Community Development he coordinated a major strategic planning effort that linked the City of Memphis, the Memphis Regional Chamber and the University (2001-2002). This effort resulted in a comprehensive inventory of existing community efforts (economic development, housing, safety, transportation, amenities, health, education, and small business development) an analysis of gaps and an action plan that involved a critical number of stakeholders in the Memphis community.    

Hyland graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana, with a Ph.D. in Anthropology.  Since then he has be active in engaged scholarship with regard to community building initiatives, neighborhood connectedness and social networking in building healthy neighborhood. 


Jeanne Simonelli

2015 Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - Jeanne Simonelli Jeanne Simonelli is an applied cultural anthropologist, writer and activist recently retired from teaching after 26 years split between Wake Forest University and SUNY-Oneonta. Like Sherlock Holmes, she is author of a huge number of infinitely boring but scientifically significant monographs. She has published four books with good titles, Uprising of Hope: Sharing the Zapatista Journey to Autonomous Development  (2005); Crossing Between Worlds: The Navajo of Canyon de Chelly  (2008; 1997); Too Wet To Plow: The Family Farm in Transition (1992) and Two Boys, A Girl, and Enough! (1986). She has spent summers wearing a Smoky-the-Bear hat as an interpretive Park Ranger at Canyon de Chelly National Monument, doing development projects with a rebel organization in southern Mexico and guiding tours at an historic silver mine in Leadville, CO.. She is currently working with communities facing hydraulic fracturing and its infrastructure, but promises not to talk about fracking.  Her goal in life is to have her unpublished novel, The Turquoise Trail,featured  in the Albuquerque Airport bookstore.

Simonelli received all of her education at the University of Oklahoma, including a BA, MA and PhD in Anthropology.  But it was during her MPH at the OU Health Sciences Center that Dr. Tom May introduced her to SfAA, through the 1987 meeting in San Diego.

While chair and professor of anthropology at the State University of New York in Oneonta, she developed and guided an undergraduate major in applied anthropology. At Wake Forest she helped to construct a minor that brought anthropology and business students together. In both these locations she took students to the field in places where they could learn the ways in which applied skills and knowledge could be used by the communities who engage us in their on-going projects. These field experiences have included  Oklahoma, Mexico, the Southwest, rural New York,  Jerusalem and other locales that are united by the broad theme of change and choice in difficult situations.

During this continuing odyssey she completed a six year appointment as co-editor of Practicing Anthropology which provided her with a broad knowledge and respect for the areas in which SfAA’s members work, as well as the ways in which greater communication might assist us as practitioners and teachers.  This was enhanced by her experience as Program Chair for the 2009 SfAA Annual Meeting in Santa Fe, which also highlighted the places where the participation of other applied social scientists and practitioners would help us extend our interdisciplinary mission.  Editing PA also accentuated the importance of good writing as a way for us to be heard beyond the academy, and this continues now in her co-editorship of the journal Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment (CAFÉ).

Among other SfAA experiences, she has had the honor of mentoring a winner of the Peter K.New Award. Most recently, helpedorganize the energy related ExtrACTION TIG, which is sponsoring 91 papers at this meeting. In 2012 she was co-organizer of the SAR/SfAA Plenary Special Seminar  Artisan Production in the World Market.  A co-edited volume based on the seminar and the SfAA plenary entitled Artisans and Advocates in the Global Market:  Walking the Heart Path will appear  in 2015.

According to Simonelli, since attending that first SfAA meeting in 1987, interacting with the membership of the Society has helped her to learn their particular skills and strengths and how her own energies can be used. It was the ideal first encounter for a student, and she remains committed to policies that enhance our ability to reach out and include all constituencies, from community colleagues to student members to over-worked practitioners and committed university-based teachers. 

She currently travels between upstate NY, coastal NC and the Southwest with her patient, four legged hiking companion, Gandalf.


Ted Downing

2014 Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - Ted DowningAfter serving over a decade the Board and committees, Ted was elected President (1985-87) during the midst of the Society’s fiscal crisis.  To avoid bankruptcy, his administration drastically downsized the Society.  The business office was relocated to Oklahoma City, headed by Tom May.  Ted’s Tucson guesthouse was turned into the executive office, staffed by his family.  Board perks and publication costs were curtailed. The annual meetings were transformed from liabilities into revenue centers, steps taken to create a two-year reserve, membership drives intensified, and the Sustaining Fellows membership was instituted.   Ted codified our corporate culture, writing its first Policy and Procedures Manual (adopted in 1986 Board meeting in Liberty Hall in Philadelphia).  This creative Board fostered other innovations: introducing workshops to the annual meeting, adding the position of SfAA Archivist, and using a consent agenda to increase Board efficiency.  As past-president, Ted founded the Society’s International Standards Committee.  He organized a delegation, led by President John Young that lobbied The World Bank to strengthen their safeguard policies to protecting indigenous peoples and those being displaced by their projects. Reflecting on Ted’s work, former SfAA, President Anthony Paredes aptly describes him as “a practicing anthropologist who practices anthropology on practicing anthropologists.”

Ted spearheaded new forms of communications between professionals, bringing the first transportable computer to our meetings and setting up anthropology’s first Internet communications group (ANTHAP1) when our colleagues worked in “computer centers.” He published groundbreaking research on electronic communications in the classroom in Engineering Education.  Since 2000, Ted has been CEO of a virtual a professional network of over 300 specialists from 20 countries, the International Network on Displacement and Resettlement INDR ( INDR has had notable influence on nudging international safeguard policies on forced displacement. 

His lifelong collaboration with his wife Carmen has produced landmark contributions on involuntary resettlement and a theory explaining the psycho-socio-cultural transformation that occur when people are forcefully displaced and how to mitigate these transformations.  A coalition of major mining companies and leading global environmental groups commissioned Ted to prepare a whitepaper on indigenous peoples and involuntary resettlement for the Rio +10 Conference. His reports as an investigator for The World Bank’s Inspection Panel demonstrate an ability find policy noncompliance in exceedingly complex development projects (including work in Uganda on the Bujagali Dam and in Chile with the Pehuenche Indians and in Nigeria on the West African Gas Pipeline).  The later work resulted in Chevron making an award of over US$10 million to correct harm done to the Yoruba. His publications cover a wide range of topics, all guided by his and the Society’s common concern from discovering human organizational solutions to human problems. Ted prefers writing pithy articles to books, explaining the probability of being read is inversely proportional to the length of a publication.

Ted is known for his unprecedented, ethical standards as a human rights activist.   Recall that our anthropological organizations refused to endorse the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  Ted broke this tradition at the 1984 Society meeting presenting a session, with Gil Kushner, on Anthropology and Human Rights, later published as a book with the same name. So ingrained, at that time, was avoidance of human rights in anthropological work that Ted’s department asked him to do this work on his own, not University time. 

In 1996, while a consultant to The World Bank, Ted and Carmen faced an ethical dilemma of either joining in or denouncing serious human rights violations by the Bank against the Pehuenche Indians (Chile).  Ted filed the first human rights complaints ever made against the Bank, ultimately leading to a American Anthropological Association hearing in Washington that supported his claims.  While this resulted in his being blackballed by his former employer, Bank insiders report Ted’s persistence caused a significant restructuring and strengthening of the IFC’s socio-environment efforts.   A decade later, the Bank’s institutional memory seemed to have lapsed when Ted became an investigator for the Bank’s Inspection Panel, its internal affairs section, of projects in Uganda and Nigeria.  The later lead to an 11 million dollar correction in compensation to the Yoruba.  His work continues – in 2013 he examined potential human rights and impoverishment threats of a proposed displacement of over 7,000 people in the pathway of a proposed lignite mine.  
Ted exemplifies taking anthropology to the public at large. He is one of two anthropologist ever elected to a State Legislature, serving two terms in the Arizona House. He served on the Judiciary, Ways and Means, Education, and Higher Education Committees, sharing governance responsibility with 89 other legislators in preparing a $10.1 billion budget to serve Arizona’s 6.5 million people from 2003 to 2006.  Ted represented the same Tucson district (180,000 people) with his colleague, then Senator Gabrielle Giffords. 

A political pragmatist, Ted’s bills focused on election reforms, social justice, increasing financial support for university and community college students, protecting animal rights, improving energy efficiency, and increasing civil liberties. Eighty-six of Ted’s co-sponsored bills became law, an outstanding record for a Democrat in a Republican controlled legislature. A list of his legislative bills and awards by civic groups can be found on line ( see lawmaker tab).  Ted service to his community also includes four terms as Democratic Precinct Committeeman (2000-2009); State President (1988-1990) and Vice President (1990-1995) of the American Association of University Professors, Arizona Conference (10 campuses); and election to the Arizona Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union, 2008 -2010.   

Looking back on this service, Ted jokes that he has done fieldwork in dozens of high risk societies, but the most savage was the Arizona State Legislature.   Following this work, Ted reasoned that partisan primaries were creating political gridlock and authored a proposition to eliminate partisan primaries to be replaced by open primaries in Arizona with the top two candidates advancing to the general election.  Arizona Proposition 121 (2012) received almost a million votes, but failed when the Koch Brothers and Karl Rove’s organization funded the opposition. For this work, he was recognized with one of two National Anti-Corruption Awards by the National Association of Independents (
Since 1992, he has been Research Professor and Director of the Social Development Laboratory in the Arizona Research Laboratories at the University of Arizona, its premier interdisciplinary organization. He has taught applied social development and social policy in Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico and lectured in 10 countries. He used his Fulbright award to teach indigenous peoples the fundamentals of computers in Mexico. The Institute of Social Anthropology at Oxford invited him to be a visiting scholar focusing on applied anthropology. He has also held multiple appointments at the University of Arizona, including Assistant Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources (1971-72). Ted earned his Ph.D. at Stanford and is proud to have been a Beloit student trained by the late Dr. Andrew Whiteford.


Allan Burns

2013 Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - Allan BurnsAllan Burns is Professor Emeritus at the University of Florida, where he held for several years the Jessie dePont-Magid Chair. During his lengthy tenure at the University, he served as Chair of the Department of Anthropology as well as Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. He also held appointments in the Center for Latin American Studies and the College of Medicine.

The Sol Tax Award is presented annually to an SfAA member in recognition of long-term and exceptional service to the association. The Award carries the name of a distinguished applied anthropologist who provided during his lifetime crucial support and service to the Society.

Prof. Burns was elected by the membership to serve as the President of SfAA from 2010-12. Earlier, he had been the Program Chair for the very successful Annual Meeting in Cancun, Mexico, in 1993. He has also held several committee appointments over the thirty-plus years of his membership in SfAA.


Ann McElroy

2012 Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - Ann McElroyAnn McElroy was born in Connecticut in 1942.  Daughter of an Army family, transience in childhood predisposed her to the mobile lifestyle of an anthropologist.  At the University of Kansas, where she intended as an undergraduate to prepare for a career in clinical psychology, Ann converted to cultural anthropology after taking introductory classes with some extraordinary professors, including Felix Moos, Keith Otterbein, and William Stein.  Under the mentorship of James Clifton, she did ethnographic research in a Prairie Potawatomi community, wrote a senior honors paper, and received the B.A. in Anthropology in 1966.  As a graduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Ann was fortunate to study with arctic specialists John J. Honigmann and Irma Honigmann and with medical anthropologist Dorothea Leighton.  With support from NSF and NIMH grants, she carried out doctoral research in northern Canada in 1967 and 1969-70 on Inuit family life and child enculturation in two Baffin Island towns .

Accepting a faculty position at the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1971, Ann’s specialties in psychological anthropology and arctic ethnology soon expanded to the emerging field of medical anthropology.  Fruitful collaboration with her friend and colleague Patricia K. Townsend led to publication in 1979 of Medical Anthropology in Ecological Perspective, now available in the fifth edition (2009).  Ann and fellow faculty developed a series of applied research and training programs, including Research Careers in Anthropology (FIPSE), an Anthropology and Social Epidemiology M.S./PhD track, and an Applied Medical Anthropology M.A. concentration.  These programs provided student projects on migrant farmworker health in Western New York, services for refugees and immigrants in inner city neighborhoods, community integration of persons with traumatic brain injury, alternative childbirth management options, and study of gaps and needs in services to families affected by trauma grief and loss in Niagara County.  It has been gratifying as a teacher and mentor to see the career choices in applied and practicing anthropology made by many of her 17 doctoral and 42 M.A. advisees.  In recent years Ann has also been part of a faculty advisory committee for establishment of the Center for Disability Studies at SUNY Buffalo, which now offers an interdisciplinary Master’s degree, and she is currently preparing a text, Disability and Diversity: Anthropological Approaches to Impairment and Difference.

Additional applied activities include a summer of pilot research on educational change in rural Iran (1974), a summer of clinical training in geriatrics in southern Germany (1976), a year of participatory action research among farm labor activists in northern California (1978-79), and several years as consultant to childbirth reformers and midwifery advocates in western New York State (1981-1986).  Longitudinal research in Inuit communities expanded between 1992 and 2006 to include work with elders in four Baffin Island communities to record their memories and narratives of encounters with missionaries, traders, teachers, and other agents of change as children and youth in the 1920s and 1930s.  This research is presented in Nunavut Generations: Change and Continuity in Baffin Island Inuit Communities (2008).

A member of the Society for Applied Anthropology since 1976 and a Sustaining Fellow since 2001, Ann regards the SfAA as a haven from the theoretical myopia and too often insular concerns of academia.  Recognizing how the annual meetings provide focus and renewal of purpose to members, Ann’s partner of 35 years, Roger Glasgow, and their children Andrew and Catherine Glasgow, have always supported her involvement in SfAA’s activities.  This involvement includes coordinating a health network as part of the Committee on Regional and Special Interest Groups and Affiliations in 1984; chairing the national organizing meeting of the Resource Group in Health and Anthropology in 1984; and in 1985 co-organizing and co-chairing (with Barbara Rylko-Bauer) the Health and Anthropology Network symposium, “Knowledge Utilization in the Health Policy Process.”  This symposium led to the publication of Making Our Research Useful: Case Studies in the Utilization of Anthropological Knowledge (1989), co-edited by John van Willigen, Barbara Rylko-Bauer, and Ann McElroy.  She was elected to the SfAA Executive Committee for the 1989-92 term, serving on the Departmental Services Committee as well as organizing and chairing an Ethics Committee as part of her duties on the Executive Committee.  Ann served as an Annual Meeting Program Committee member (1991-92); as a member and then chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee (1994-96); as a member of the Malinowski Award Committee from 2000-2002 and then as chair from 2002-2005; and as a member of the Peter K. New Award committee from 2006-08.


Michael Angrosino

2011 Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - Michael AngrosinoMichael Angrosino was born in Brooklyn, New York and educated in the public schools of that city. He earned his B.A. degree in anthropology from Brooklyn College (City University of New York) in 1968 and went on to earn his doctorate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1972. His dissertation research concerned the social epidemiology of alcoholism in the community of Indian migrants in Trinidad, West Indies. Angrosino joined the faculty at the University of South Florida in 1972 and participated in the development of both the M.A. and Ph.D. programs in applied anthropology. He continued to conduct field research in the West Indies (Surinam, Saba, Aruba, as well as Trinidad) and, in U.S.-based applied research, came to specialize in issues of policy formation and community-based service provision for people with chronic mental illness and mental retardation, working closely with members of the Department of Special Education at the U.S.F. College of Education. In addition to serving a term as chair of the Department of Anthropology at U.S.F., Angrosino served on the boards of numerous community service organizations. He was the founding director of the University's Honors College. He held both elective and appointive offices in the American Anthropological Association and the Southern Anthropological Society, as well as the Society for Applied 
Anthropology and was program organizer for all of those groups on several occasions. Angrosino served two terms as Editor of Human Organization. In the course of his career, he served as major professor to several dozen students at the master's level and twenty others at the doctoral level. He later earned a master's degree in theology and did postdoctoral work in public policy studies and oral history.

Angrosino is the author of a dozen books, several dozen articles, and numerous applied project reports. Throughout his professional life, he remained a strong advocate of the rights of people with mental challenges; within the profession itself, he was a spokesperson for applied social science and for qualitative approaches to research. Angrosino retired in 2007 and now lives in New Jersey, remaining active in applied research; he is currently working on a set of projects dealing with the evaluation of ethics committees in several community hospitals.


Linda Bennett

2010 Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - Linda Bennett with the Sol Tax AwardDr. Bennett is a Professor of Anthropology and the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, College of Arts and Sciences. After receiving her MA from Indiana University (1966) and PhD from American University (1976), she became a research faculty member at the Center for Family Research, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, George Washington University Medical Center. She joined the Department of Anthropology faculty at The University of Memphis in 1986. Professor Bennett has conducted fieldwork in the former Yugoslavia, especially Croatia, and in the United States in the areas of medical anthropology (particularly studies on alcohol use and alcohol-related problems) and ethnicity. She is co-author of The Alcoholic Family (1987), co-editor of The American Experience with Alcohol: Contrasting Cultural Perspectives (1985), and author of Russian-English Language Guide for Adopting Families (1997, 2003).

Dr. Bennett has been an active leader in anthropology, having served as president of the Society for Applied Anthropology, the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology, and the Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists. She is currently an at-large member of the Executive Board of the American Anthropological Association. Bennett is founder and chair of the Consortium of Practicing and Applied Anthropology (COPAA) Programs In recent years, she has been particularly interested in the place of applied and engaged scholarship, especially in urban universities such as The University of Memphis.


Don Stull

2009 Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - Don StullDon Stull is professor of anthropology at the University of Kansas.  He has conducted research among American Indians in Arizona and Kansas, Mennonites in Kansas and Nebraska, and workers in a state agency in Kansas.  His long-term research on the meat and poultry industry’s impact on its growers, workers, and host communities began in 1987.  Since 1998, his research has focused on poultry growers and tobacco farmers in western Kentucky, where he was born.  His writings include Collaborative Research and Social Change: Applied Anthropology in Action, edited with J. Schensul (Westview Press, 1987); Any Way You Cut It:  Meat Processing and Small-Town America, edited with M. Broadway and D. Griffith (University Press of Kansas, 1995); Doing Team Ethnography:  Warnings and Advice (Sage, 1998), written with K. Erickson; and Slaughterhouse Blues: The Meat and Poultry Industry of North America, written with M. Broadway (Wadsworth, 2004).

Prof. Stull received the Omer C. Stewart Memorial Award for exemplary achievement from the High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology in1995, the Louise Byrd Graduate Educator Award from the University of Kansas in 1998, and the Irvin Youngberg Award for Research Achievement in Applied Sciences from the Kansas Endowment Association in 2002.  He was made an honorary citizen of and presented with the key to Garden City, Kansas, in 2001, in recognition of the value of his work to that community.  In 2004, he received the Wally and Marie Steeples Faculty Award for Outstanding Service to the People of Kansas from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Kansas.


Lucy Cohen

2008 Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - Lucy CohenLucy Cohen was born in Costa Rica to a family that had migrated originally from the Far East. She studied sociology and graduated with a B.A. in 1965 from Mt. St. Mary's College in Los Angeles, California. Two years later in 1958, she earned the Masters of Social Work from The Catholic University of America. It was during her M.S.W. course work that she "discovered" anthropology, in large measure through the influence of Katherine Spencer Halpern and Leila Calhoun Deasy.

Lucy planned throughout her undergraduate study to eventually assume a career in the Foreign Service. Indeed, two years after completing her M.S.W., she received an attractive offer from the United Nations. At the same time, she was encouraged to apply to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) for a pre-doctoral fellowship in anthropology. She chose this latter option and eventually earned the Ph.D. from The Catholic University of America in 1966. Her dissertation dealt with professional women as innovators of change in Colombia. Part of her graduate study took her to New Mexico to study archaeology under F. H. Ellis.
Lucy always considered herself an "applied anthropologist." Early in her career, she had worked at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington D.C., the country's largest public psychiatric facility and the site of Erving Goffman's classic study, "Asylum."

Lucy received her degree at a very exciting time for mental health and the social sciences. Following the work and recommendations of several high-level committees, President John F. Kennedy delivered the first message authored by an American President on mental health. The message was followed by the passage of P.L. 88-164, the Community Mental Health Act, which opened a new era in the understanding and treatment of mental illness.

Lucy was recruited in 1967 as Chief of Program Evaluation for the first Community Mental Health Center funded through this legislation in the District of Columbia.

Two years later in 1969, she returned to The Catholic University of America to a senior position in the Department of Anthropology with a joint appointment in the School of Social Service.

Her deep interest in public affairs in the District of Columbia led to a high level of involvement in community affairs. She was selected to the Board of Trustees for the University of the District of Columbia when the institution was in its early stages. She also served on the Board of Trustees of a prominent foundation with a wide-ranging impact on the District, the Eugene and Agnes Meyer Foundation.

Lucy's research has always reflected an applied orientation and one that ranges widely. Her early work focused on health care and the communication between physicians and patients. There is another thread coursing through her work, something that reflects her own background – an interest in ethnicity, immigration, and the socialization process of new Americans. She published in 1984 a book that detailed the migration of Chinese to the post-Civil War South. Somewhat similarly, there has always been an interest in the process whereby women assumed new roles in industrial society – in the resettlement process, in gaining access to higher education, and as wage-earners.

Lucy's role within the Society has been long and sustained, and it started in a curious way. In 1964, as a graduate student, she was attending the SfAA Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico. One featured session included presentations by prominent applied anthropologists from Latin America. As the session began, someone realized that there were no translation services available and that the audience included several people who were not Spanish speakers. Just as the session got underway, Oscar Lewis approached her and asked her to translate the presentations! She translated the papers as well as the discussion that followed, some of which was quite heated.

Later, and after her faculty appointment, Lucy assisted in the development of the policy that led to the first Malinowski Award that the Society presented in 1973 to Gonzalo Aguirre Beltran. She has attended every annual meeting of the Society (save two when she was engaged in field work in Colombia) since her graduate days.

She also served as the Program Chair for an annual meeting, a task that everyone knows to be very demanding. She has also been active on committees within SfAA, particular those that deal with women, immigration, and government relations.


Sue-Ellen Jacobs

2007 Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - Sue-Ellen JacobsBorn in Chicago Illinois on October 27, 1936, Sue-Ellen Jacobs went to various schools as her family moved around the U.S. during and after World War II.  She worked as a registered nurse for a number of years before deciding to enter graduate studies in anthropology at the University of Colorado in Boulder, where she met and worked with Professor Omer Stewart as he was finishing work on the Tri-Ethnic Project.  Professor Stewart suggested she look at the Society for Applied Anthropology as a place where she would find “like minded” people using anthropological knowledge, methods, and theory to help solve human problems. Sue-Ellen joined SfAA during her second year as a graduate student.  Professor Dorothea V. Kaschube was her graduate advisor and dissertation committee chair.   Professor Jacobs was awarded her Ph.D. in 1970.

Sue-Ellen taught at Sacramento State College, University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana) and the University of Washington, retiring at UW in 2004 with the title “Professor Emerita of Women Studies.”  She immediately retired to New Mexico to continue the work she has done for over 30 years with one of the Eight Northern Indian Pueblos; also teaching part-time and working as co-Director of the Northern Pueblos Institute at Northern New Mexico College – still having a great time doing applied anthropology and learning to be a farmer on 2.2 acres of land.

Sue-Ellen served on the SfAA Executive Committee, the Malinowski Award Committee, and the Margaret Mead Award Committee before being elected to the office of President (serving as the first 2 year President for SfAA). She also was active in the American Anthropological Association as a member of the Ethics Committee.
Sue-Ellen was instrumental in introducing the gender alternating policy for the SfAA presidency (male candidates one term followed by female candidates the next).  Along with presidents Harland Padfield and Ted Downing, she also led the drive to maintain the organizational and financial independence of the SfAA during a period when both were threatened.

Sue-Ellen’s applied work has ranged from Social Impact Assessment of planned water and other U.S. governmental “development” projects; urban and rural health issues (including best ways to increase appropriate health care services within a Midwest African American community); land and water rights issues in the American Southwest; applied sociolinguistics; and preservation and restoration of specific indigenous languages in the American Southwest.


Willis E. Sibley

2006 Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - Willis E. SibleyWillis Sibley is Professor Emeritus in Anthropology of Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio.  After earning a B.A. degree in Economics at Reed College in 1951, he received an M.A. degree (1953) and Ph.D degree (1958) in Anthropology at the University of Chicago.   His dissertation research took place on Negros Island, Philippines, and his thesis dealt with farming villagers’ relationships within the village and with organizations and institutions at other levels of Philippine national life. A return visit to the Philippines in 1964-65 dealt with comparative social organization in related villages on Negros and nearby Panay islands.  In 1968-69, he taught anthropology at the University of the Philippines as an appointee of the Rockefeller Foundation.   For work in the Philippines Sibley was awarded Fulbright grants on two occasions, along with a National Science Foundation award.

Teaching appointments spanned 34 years, beginning at Miami University (Ohio) (1956-58),  followed with appointments at the University of Utah (1958-60), Washington State University (1960-71) and Cleveland State University (1971-1990).   During his teaching career, Sibley also was a faculty activist participating in a wide variety of faculty committees, including occupying the Presidency of the AAUP chapter at Washington State University, and later at Cleveland State University.  He was also a member of the organizing committee (under the leadership of Sol Tax) for the 1973 convention of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences held in Chicago.  He was honored as Distinguished Lecturer during the Annual Meeting of the Central States Anthropological Society meeting in Ames, Iowa in 1992.

Sibley’s movement toward applied anthropology and a central interest in relationships between technology and modern society gained impetus with fieldwork in Page, Arizona in the late 1950s studying workers building Glen Canyon Dam.   Another part of the transition in interests took place with grant-funded research on University organizational history as related to possibilities of future organizational change.   Other experiences in relating anthropological approaches to modern organization occurred during an appointment to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in the late 1970s (during which Sibley became a “sewer anthropologist) and early in the 1980s with a sabbatical experience at Carnegie Mellon University studying Engineering and Public Policy.  During this sabbatical, several courses entailed examination of the social and organizational consequences of adopting new technologies, especially as related to urban development in the U.S.   Other involvements included appointment as a Cleveland Faculty Fellow of the City of Cleveland, to study public policy responses to changing levels of the Great Lakes and particularly Lake Erie, along with appointment in the 1980s as Alternate Delegate from the American Anthropological Association to the Renewable Natural Resources Foundation based in Bethesda, MD --- a relationship which continues as a volunteer member of the condominium board on the RNRF campus.    In the late 1980s, and lasting until Sibley retired from teaching and moved to Maryland in 1992, he was involved as chair of the Coastal Resources Advisory Council of Ohio --- an organization of stakeholders in coastal resources mandated by the Ohio Legislature in legislation enabling creation of a Federally accredited Coastal Zone Management program for Lake Erie (a program finally completed and certified in the 1990s).

Involvement with affairs of the Society for Applied Anthropology followed membership in the Society beginning in the late 1950s or early 1960s, when William Foote Whyte published an early paper on Philippine local organization in Human Organization.   More formal involvement began with membership in the Nominating Committee beginning in 1975, followed with a term as Secretary, then President in 1982.   Following his term as President, Sibley has held named roles in the Society continuously to the present including numerous committees, and appointment as SfAA representative to AAAS twice --- first in the 1980s and currently.  During the earlier appointment he organized an all-day session during the AAAS Annual Meeting which resulted ultimately in a book, Anthropological Perspectives on Organizational Culture, co-edited with Tomoko Hamada.  After acting as producer of the the mounted bronze plaque awarded to recipients of the Margaret Mead Award, he has produced the mounted award whenever it has been awarded since 1983.  Beginning with the Presidency of Jean Schensul in 1996, Sibley has acted as Coordinator of Awards for the Society, a role which continues today.

In his non-academic life, Sibley has had a long involvement with sailing and sailing organizations --- including terms as Trustee, flag officer and later as Commodore and Life Member of the Edgewater Yacht Club in Cleveland, and as Governor in the Chesapeake Yacht Club in Shady Side, MD.

In retirement, along with his involvement with SfAA, Sibley has maintained other ties with the anthropological community, including an elected term on the Committee on Public Policy of the American Anthropological Association in addition to  newsletter editorship and later Presidency of the Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists (WAPA).  He is currently chair of the WAPA Praxis Committee, which makes a biennial award for an outstanding applied anthropology project.

Continuing his interest in water --- a repetitive theme in his professional life --- Sibley operates Sibley Marine Services, LLC, a solo undertaking repairing sailboats on Chesapeake Bay. With his wife Marjorie Hegge, he also sings in the 180-member Annapolis Chorale and in the choir at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis, MD.


Gilbert Kushner

2005 Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - Gilbert KushnerGilbert Kushner is one of a very small number of anthropologists who have been instrumental in providing for the institutionalization of applied anthropology, an arduous and professionally risky task that has over the past three decades provided a solid foundation and institutional base to a subfield that had previously existed more as a passing fancy, subject to shifts in disciplinary attention and vagaries of the marketplace.  He has been a major player in the rapid expansion of applied anthropology in our time, and a key contributor to building the structures that ensure its continued prominence within the discipline.

Professor Kushner has represented applied anthropology in a number of professional associations.  He has served on more than 15 committees of the SfAA, many of which he chaired, and has served in the elected offices of the Nominations & Elections Committee (1975-77) and Secretary (1983-86).  He was co-chair of the 1988 annual meetings, and in 1976-77 he chaired the Society's Committee on Professional Standards and Accreditation.  Kushner has also served on several committees of the American Anthropological Association, including service on their Board of Directors from 1986-89. He was elected President of the Society for Humanistic Anthropology from 1987-89 and served as an elected Councilor to the Society for Urban Anthropology in 1980-82.  In addition, he has participated in committees of the Southern Anthropological Society and the Association for the Social Scientific Study of Jewry.  He has been President of the USF Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (1980-82) and President of the USF Chapter of the Society of Sigma Xi (1982-83).

Throughout his career, Professor Kushner has contributed to the knowledge of the anthropological discipline through his research and publications. His work has consistently shown the blending of a sense of humanity to the rigors of anthropological endeavor. A quality of intellectual resourcefulness and sincere good will shows through clearly in one of his earliest contributions, a critical analysis of the "administered community" in Israel (Immigrants from India in Israel: Planned Change in an Administered Community, 1973) as it does in later contributions to the understanding of cultural persistence (Persistent Peoples: Cultural Enclaves in Perspective, 1981) and to human rights issues (Human Rights and Anthropology, 1988).  Kushner has also written extensively on the institutionalization of applied anthropology, and most particularly on the development of applied training programs. His insights on these matters remain among the most often cited in the available literature.

Of Professor Kushner's several contributions to the profession, none stands out so clearly or incontrovertibly as does his career long dedication to the training and education of applied and practicing anthropologists.  As a result of his leadership as chair of the Department of Anthropology at the University of South Florida, Professor Kushner created and implemented the first Master's program in Applied Anthropology in 1974, as well as the first PhD Applied Anthropology program in 1984. These programs provided the template for the great variety of applied training programs that now exist and that provide so much of the enduring structure of the applied subfield.


Erve Chambers

2004 Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - Erve ChambersErve Chambers is Chair and Professor of the Anthropology Department at the University of Maryland, College Park, where he has taught since 1981.  he has also been employed with the University of South Florida (1977-1981), Mississippi State University (1976-1977), the University of Oregon (1974-1976), and Abt Associates (1973-1974).  Erve served as a Special Fulbright Scholar in Appropriate Tourism Development at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand (1991), as Visiting Professor with the Johns Hopkins University Program in Atlantic Culture and History (1987-1988), and is currently an Affiliate Professor with the International Graduate Course in Tourism Management, Associazione Instituzione Libera Universita Nuorese, Sardinia, Italy, as well as a member of the Executive Committee of the Center for Heritage Resource Studies at the University of Maryland.

Over the years, Erve’s research has evolved from a general interest in regional and urban development to more specific work in tourism and environmental and heritage resource management.  He currently has a strong interest in community-based tourism initiatives and in the public delineation, appropriation, and use of heritage resources.  He is also collaborating with his colleague Michael Paolisso on research related to cultural models of the environmental and natural resource regulation on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.  His publications include Places in Mind: Public Archaeology as Applied Anthropology (with Paul Shackel), 2004; Native Tours: The Anthropology of Tourism, 2000; Tourism and Culture: An Applied Perspective, 1997; Housing, Culture, and Design: A Comparative Perspective (with Setha M. Low),1989; and Applied Anthropology: A Practical Guide, 1985.

Erve is a Sustaining Fellow of the Society for Applied Anthropology.  He has served as the Society’s President (1987-1989), on the Executive Committee (1975-1985), and the Nominations and Elections & Elections Committee (1980-1982).  He is currently Program Chair for the Society’s 2005 meetings, to be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Erve helped found the SfAA’s publication Practicing Anthropology in 1978, and served as its Editor in Chief for the first eight years of its existence.  Over a period of nearly three decades, he has served as Chair or member of more than twenty other SfAA committees.  He has also been elected as Secretary of the Society for Urban Anthropology (1983-1985), and has served on several committees of the American Anthropological Association and the Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists.

Throughout his career, Erve has devoted considerable time and attention to increasing our understanding of the nature of anthropological practice outside of academic settings.  He has been a strong advocate for the view that practice needs to serve as the core of any applied discipline, with scholarly endeavor devoted to helping improve the effectiveness of specific anthropological practices and employments.  Erve also has a long abiding interest in the Master’s degree as a particularly appropriate level of training for many nonacademic careers in anthropology.  To both these ends, he has been actively involved in the development of training programs in applied anthropology, first at the University of South Florida, and later at the University of Maryland, where he helped found the Master of Applied Anthropology (MAA) program.  The MAA is the only program in the world with this specific designation—it is not a Masters of Art or Sciences degree, but a fully professional degree program designed.


John van Willigen

2003 Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - John Van WilligenJohn van Willigen is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Kentucky at Lexington, where he is also appointed to the Department of Behavioral Science, College of Medicine and the Gerontology and Health PhD Program. He has served as Director of Graduate Studies and Departmental Chair at various times. His undergraduate anthropology degree is from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and his PhD studies were done at the University of Arizona. While at Arizona he completed training in community development as well as anthropology. During his graduate studies he was employed by Papago Tribe of Arizona (now the Tohono O’Odham Nation) as Director of Community Development. This work served as the basis for his dissertation.

Van Willigen has published extensively on applied anthropology practice. These publications include the widely used textbook, Applied Anthropology: An Introduction (now in its third edition), the edited volumes, Making Our Research Useful: Case Studies in the Utilization of Anthropological Knowledge (with Barbara Rylko-Bauer and Ann McElroy) and Soundings: Rapid and Reliable Research Methods for Practicing Anthropologists (with Timothy J. Finan).

He has done field research in India, rural Kentucky, and Indonesia. This work has focused on the social aging process, farming systems research, and ethnography of farming and food ways. The products of this work include three research monographs. These are Gettin’ Some Age on Me: Social Organization of Older People in a Rural American Community; Tobacco Culture: Farming Kentucky’s Burley Belt (with Susan C. Eastwood) and Social Aging in a Delhi Neighborhood (with N. K. Chadha).

Van Willigen has made important contributions to applied anthropology in two areas. First is the documentation of applied anthropology practice. He organized the Applied Anthropology Documentation Project at the University of Kentucky Library. This has resulted in a large collection of technical reports produced by anthropologists in the course of their work. These materials have been described in the Sources column of Practicing Anthropology and formed the basis for his publication, Anthropology in Use: A Source Book on Anthropological Practice. Through his work in documentation he has helped increase the understanding of the contribution of applied and practicing anthropologists to the discipline. Documentation helps us understand who were are and what we have done.

The second aspect of his service is in the area of training for application and practice. He served as the chair of a joint SfAA and National Association for the Practice of Anthropology committee that developed Guidelines for Training Programs in Practicing Anthropology. He developed and organized the initial Applied Anthropology Training Program Information Exchanges and served as compiler of the number of SfAA published Guides to Training Programs and the NAPA Bulletin, Becoming a Practicing Anthropologist: A Guide to Careers and Training Programs in Applied Anthropology. He feels that effective applied and practicing anthropologists need to know techniques for practical action, have thorough understanding of the contexts of professional work, and sound strategies for collaboration with communities and other disciplines.

He has also received the Omer C. Stewart Memorial Award of the High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology, two Fulbright Lectureships (India) and a Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Teaching at the University of Kentucky.


Art Gallaher

2002 Sol Tax Distinguished Service Award Winner - Art GallaherArt Gallaher is Professor Emeritus in Anthropology, and former Chancellor of the University of Kentucky at Lexington. His interest in applied anthropology began with his BA degree from the University of Oklahoma in 1950, and his MA from the same institution in 1951, when he did research with Seminole Freedmen. He received the Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from the University of Arizona in 1956, joined the Society for Applied Anthropology in that year, and has been an active participant ever since.

Dr. Gallaher's broader interests in cultural anthropology, and the subsequent translation of those into application issues are: short-term processes of culture change, especially in socio-economically marginal populations; change agentry and intervention models in economic development; complex social organization, especially bureaucracy and corporate cultures, higher education, and the dissolution of nation-state constructs; and sociocultural integration of communities at risk and those undergoing rapid change. His major research populations have been socioeconomically marginal farm populations in the U.S. and Ireland, and urban and rural minority populations in the U.S. His publications include three books, Plainville Fifteen Years Later, ed. of Perspectives in Developmental Change, and co-ed with Harland Padfield of The Dying Community.

A past president of the SfAA (1977-78), Art also served the Society as Treasurer and as Secretary-Treasurer, and as chair and member of many operational committees. He has served on the board of AES and the AAA, a strong proponent in each case for applied anthropology, and In 1997-98 chaired the AAA's Commission on Future Organizational Structure. In addition to the SfAA's Sol Tax award, Art is recipient of the AAA's 1993 President's Award, a Weathehead Scholarship at the School of American Research in 1990, and in 1989 was named a Distinguished Centennial Alumnus by the University of Arizona.

Dr. Gallaher has been an active consultant and advisor on issues of culture and developmental change, intervention models, academic program design and evaluation, race and ethnic relations, and higher education, in both public and private sectors. He believes strongly that anthropology is, and ought to be, a discovery-based discipline whose commitment to discovery extends not only to finding, but also to implementing solutions to problems that inhere in, and are created by, the human condition. Consistent with this view, he believes one can apply anthropology best only by first becoming a good anthropologist. His view is that the authority of applied anthropology will have arrived when those at the policy table believe they cannot start without us. Most recently, Art has been consultant in anthropology to the Board of the School of American Research in Santa Fe.

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